Runge Tool & Supply Co., Inc. has been in business 36 years as of 2011. Owned and Operated by Robert (Bob) Runge and his sons Steve and Chick, we have set the bar high for services and materials delivery in the Denver Metro Area. Staffed by our Driver (Tim) and Mechanics Darrell, we are ready to assist with some of the fastest services and turnaround times in the industry. This team of top performers have a proven track record of success in satisfaction and accuracy. Please contact us to allow us to assist you in your need to get the job done!!! Together, we help make you more profitable by supplying good refurbished tools at excellent prices. Shop us and see for yourself. Stop in and meet the great people standing by to assist you!! Being a small business, we can't warehouse everything, but if we don't have it right on hand, we can get it quickly!!
Contact InformationLocated off Santa Fe Drive and Mississippi Avenue, West of Santa Fe and South of Mississippi on Inca Street in Denver. Click ME for map directions to Runge Tool & Supply, Inc.
Copyright © 2011
Runge Tool & Supply Co., Inc.