As a Sumner Manufacturing Reseller, and a qualified, certified service center we specialize in all Sumner sales and repairs. Runge Tool & Supply Co., Inc. can supply a full line of new, refurbished and used Lifts and Jacks. Sumner Equipment (New and Used/Refurbished):
The Roust-a-Bout Lift The perennial favorite for getting the job done!!
The Heavy Duty Jack The standard jack, newly redesigned, for getting the job done!! We also carry various head types for any type of work, from Rollers To V-heads, to cover you on the job! We occasionally have used jacks available as well, contact us for availability.
The Max Jax The Max Jax are the cream of the crop in Jacks and Roller heads. The versatile Max Jax is the ideal fabricator stand. We carry and can get all the versatile head attachments for the Max Jax.
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Runge Tool & Supply Co., Inc.